Research Interest

Erik's main research area is 3D reconstruction in various forms such as online 3D-reconstruction using depth sensors and estimating fine-detailed 3D models using photometric stereo techniques. He is also interested in methods for reconstructing humans in dynamic scenes.

Short Bio

He received his MSc in Engineering Physics from Lund University 2013 where he also obtained his PhD under supervision from Carl Olsson and Fredrik Kahl. The title of his PhD-thesis is Optimization Methods for 3D Reconstruction: Depth Sensors, Distance Functions and Low-Rank Models.

After his PhD he worked one year as a researcher at Lund University in cooperation with SONY-Mobile. He joined the Computer Vision Group headed by Prof. Daniel Cremers in May as a Post-Doc.

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Our paper Combining Depth Fusion and Photometric Stereo for Fine Detailed 3D Models received the SCIA 2019 Honourable Mention Award.