Gaussian Splatting in Style (bibtex)
by A Saroha, M Gladkova, C Curreli, T Yenamandra and D Cremers
Gaussian Splatting in Style (A Saroha, M Gladkova, C Curreli, T Yenamandra and D Cremers), In arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.08498, 2024. 
Bibtex Entry:
 title = {Gaussian Splatting in Style},
 author = {A Saroha and M Gladkova and C Curreli and T Yenamandra and D Cremers},
 journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.08498},
 year = {2024},
 titleurl = {gaussian-style-schema.png},
 eprint = {2403.08498},
 eprinttype = {arXiv},
 eprintclass = {cs.CV},
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Gaussian Splatting in Style (bibtex)
Gaussian Splatting in Style (bibtex)
by A Saroha, M Gladkova, C Curreli, T Yenamandra and D Cremers
Gaussian Splatting in Style (A Saroha, M Gladkova, C Curreli, T Yenamandra and D Cremers), In arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.08498, 2024. 
Bibtex Entry:
 title = {Gaussian Splatting in Style},
 author = {A Saroha and M Gladkova and C Curreli and T Yenamandra and D Cremers},
 journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.08498},
 year = {2024},
 titleurl = {gaussian-style-schema.png},
 eprint = {2403.08498},
 eprinttype = {arXiv},
 eprintclass = {cs.CV},
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Tarun Yenamandra

PhD StudentTechnical University of Munich

School of Computation, Information and Technology
Informatics 9
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching

Tel: +49-89-289-17777
Fax: +49-89-289-17757
Office: 02.09.061

Research Interests

Generative models, model-based learning, convex relaxations, geometric deep learning, 3D/4D reconstructions, and differentiable rendering.


M.Sc. Informatik, Saarland University, 2020.
B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering, Osmania University, 2011.
