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Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich



Informatik IX
Chair of Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching info@vision.in.tum.de

Follow us on:
CVG Group DVL Group SRL Group


Summer Term 2020

* Machine Learning for Computer Vision (IN2357)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (1 h) (5 ECTS)

Winter Term 2019/2020

* Machine Learning for Computer Vision (IN2357)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (2 h) (5 ECTS)

Summer Term 2019

* Machine Learning for Computer Vision (IN2357)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (1 h) (5 ECTS)

Winter Term 2018/2019

* Machine Learning for Computer Vision (IN2357)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (1 h) (5 ECTS)

Summer Term 2018

* Machine Learning for Computer Vision (IN2357)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (1 h) (5 ECTS)

Winter Term 2017/2018

* Machine Learning for Computer Vision (IN3200)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (1 h) (4 ECTS)

Summer Term 2017

* Machine Learning for Computer Vision (IN3200)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (1 h) (4 ECTS)

Winter Term 2016/2017

* Machine Learning for Computer Vision (IN3200)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (1 h) (4 ECTS)

Summer Term 2016

* Machine Learning for Computer Vision (IN3200)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (1 h) (4 ECTS)

Winter Term 2015/2016

* Machine Learning for Computer Vision (IN3200)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (1 h) (4 ECTS)

* Numerisches Programmieren (in German)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (3 h) (6 ECTS)

Summer Term 2015

Winter Term 2014/2015

* Numerisches Programmieren (in German)
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (3 h) (6 ECTS) * Seminar: Current Trends in Machine Learning (IN 2107)
(2 h / 4 ECTS)

Winter Term 2013/2014

Summer Term 2013

Rechte Seite

Informatik IX
Chair of Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching info@vision.in.tum.de

Follow us on:
CVG Group DVL Group SRL Group